Friday, June 18, 2010

Mak Ayah Pelajar Cikgu Pentadbiran

An ex-student of mine came today to appeal for his case. A year ago, he registered at my college and failed all of his papers with CGPA below 1.00. He was dismissed. The reason for his failure - skipped classes, missed quizzes and tests, late submission of assignments etc.

When his friends registered for Diploma the following semester, he repeated his Pre-Dip and repeated his old 'habits' - skipped classes, MIA during quizzes and tests etc. I called him and talked to him personally and I thought he understood, unfortunately he again failed to turn up for classes.

I sent the first warning to him and c.c. to his parents. MIA still. The second warning came and I had to call his parents before sending the letter. Talked to his mother and found out that he lied about many things and hid his first warning.

Later his father came to discuss his problems, and we decided to give him one last chance. Again, he didn't live up to our expectations. Finally I had to send him packing two weeks before the final examination (as agreed earlier).

This afternoon he came with his father. He had to convince the officer at the RP dept to issue him an offer letter to study here for the third time! His father told me that he has changed. And I believe him; being a teacher, I will always have a soft spot for my students no matter how naughty and 'evil' they are/were. So I told his father that we need to convince the officer that he has really changed!

The officer was very stern and didn't want to issue the letter at first. After he gave the students some advice, he finally agreed to allow this student to register in two weeks time.

I was there witnessing everything. I felt sad seeing the father having to go through such trouble because of this immature boy. I guess, we are lucky because our parents love us very much and even when we did wrong, they came out to lead us to the correct path, and make sacrificies that we can only wish we could repay. Our parents have/had to endure all the yelling, all the maki hamun and all the negative perspectives just to make us 'human' - good ones, of course!

The real question here is...have we done enough for our parents?

1 comment:

  1. jawapan pd persoalan itu ialah:

    tak cukup lagi DAN TIDAK AKAN PERNAH CUKUP smpai bile2 ape yang kita lakukan untuk membalas pengorbanan besar kedua org tua...lonngok la wang berjuta ringgit, berila banglo sebesar mane tetap x akan cukup kerana pengorbanan mereka adlah tidak ternilai...
