Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"Bila berpisah...

...selalu gelisah" - aku teringat lirik ni hari ni sebab I'm going to have to 'let go' of a friend who's been very dear and close to my heart. Bukanlah letting go in the sense that I won't be seeing her ever again, cuma mungkin tak sekerap dulu. Aku cuba hiburkan hati dengan mengingatkan diri sendiri dia cuma pindah tempat kerja, bukan pindah 'hati' atau 'pinda' persahabatan.

I know it won't be easy. The next 48hours would be the toughest. Her last day and then her 'absence' at my workplace, her soon-to-be previous workplace. I know I would cry my eyeballs out, but I need to toughen up myself for her, I need to put on the 'heavy make-up' so that the 'show' won't be ruined. But I'm not sure I am that strong. Between me and her, I am the more emotional one, the one who would 'express' herself rather freely...she might seem gentle and fragile, but she's very strong inside. I'm the 'poetic' type or ciwang as they called it in Malay, hence it's easier to see me crying although I appear to be very strong and 'disciplined'. I don't know why lately it has become a rather easy 'task' for me to let tears run down my cheeks though I wish not to do so. Sometimes I am embarrassed with myself for allowing such a small issue to press the tear button..Entahlah, mungkin faktor usia juga memainkan peranan dan juga latarbelakang 'sastera' aku yang buat aku jadi 'cengeng' bak kata dia..

Intan, I just want you to know that whatever happens, I will always be by your side aiding you to the best I can, and will always and forever be your bestest friend. Thank you for being my greatest and most understanding friend for the past 3 1/2 years and I hope this would continue till the end of our time. I know our life is about to change, but I hope it will only make our friendship better and closer. I love you my dearest friend and I hope in the future we will have more and more and more time together. I love you my dearest sister, I love you my bestest friend!

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