Monday, July 19, 2010

I HAVE SURVIVED! very first class at this new place. Alhamdulillah. However, it's not my real class as I only 'relieved' the lecturer who was on leave today. It's part of the class sharing policy. Luckily she had already told me what to teach.

My real class will only begin at 12noon today and will end at 6pm with a few intervals in between. Enough time to get my lunch and perform my prayers.

The response was quite ok. I have to admit having bigger class is definitely a challenge as I have to increase my voice volume to adjust to the new surrounding. I did manage to make the students work in group and present their ideas in front of the class. Towards the end of the class I believe I have managed to instill some important 'ideas' or at least, get them cracking about it. My students are TESLians and this morning class were also TESLians of a different intake. I haven't met my real students yet, but if this is the kind of the students that I'm going to face, I believe I am up to the challenge and I am positive that we are going to have a lot of information sharing sessions later on.

This morning I told the TESLian to start treating themselves as teachers. Some students were late, and many refused to sit in the front rows, and many had the difficulties to project their voice so that they can be heard by their friends. So I told them that it's important for them to start practising now to become good teachers in the future. So my dear TESLians out there, if you're still studying, start treating yourselves as teachers and observes the 'code' of teachers hehehe...

Thank you Allah for making this morning a good experience for me.

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